7 Ways Drone Photos & Videos Support Your Marketing Efforts

Sep 19, 2019 | Architecture, Buildings, Commercial, Marketing, Residential

The power of drone photos and videos in marketing is well-known. From increased brand awareness to more engaged shoppers, providing visual content boosts revenue across the board. However, the market is flooded with videos which makes it difficult for your real estate or construction footage to stand out.

Instead of delivering the usual content, consider adding high-quality images and epic shots to your marketing mix. Discover seven incredible ways to use drone videos and photos to drum up excitement for your construction project or real estate listing.

1. “Coming Soon” Visuals

In the real estate industry, “coming soon” marketing is a familiar tactic. It’s a way to build enthusiasm before a property comes on the market. But, often the information is too general to produce real excitement. Drones deliver unique angles and allow you to highlight vital selling points, from the neighborhood to exterior features.

2. Project Progress

Whether your clients have money invested or your community has concerns, drone footage of project progress is an excellent way to attract the right type of attention. Use a drone to capture daily, weekly, or monthly changes to your construction project.

  • Keep all stakeholders (banks, investors, subs, co-workers, etc) up to date.
  • Create time-lapse videos to use across multiple channels.

3. Grand Openings and Special Events

If you’re hosting a grand opening or another type of special event, then drone footage is sure to draw in a crowd. For the best results,  capture innovative shots before, during, and after your event. Then, use these visuals for interesting time-lapse content, sales materials, and social media posts.

4. Behind-the-Scenes Drone Content

Behind-the-scenes or on-the-job videos do a couple of things. First, this type of video satisfies the curiosity of business owners and community members. Secondly, it humanizes your company and helps your audience connect with your business on a deeper level.

  • Design on-the-job videos to showcase intricate details of the project.
  • Put faces to the names of each person who is working on the project.

5. Sales Presentation Videos

Let’s face it; today’s customer doesn’t want plain sales sheets. Instead, buyers expect professional visuals with uncommon angles that highlight your selling points. When your sales reps head out on the road, arm them with branded presentation videos.

6. Social Media Video Snippets

Every piece of drone footage that you acquire can be used across your social channels. From quick video snippets on Facebook to longer videos on YouTube, sharing visual content on your social channels helps your business gain visibility.

  • Increase social engagement with time-lapse videos.
  • Create social polls that ask your followers to vote on the best shots.
  • Design a contest to caption funny on-the-job images.

7. Virtual Tours

Consumers expect more than a casual video or still images. They want 360-degree views and videos that showcase the local community. With drone footage, you can entice stakeholders and investors across the globe using in-depth images that portray your property in the best light.

Stand out from your competition and create a buzz about your construction project or real estate listing with drone content. Innovative imagery provides countless marketing options for increasing your opportunities and impressing current and future customers.


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